Europe and Space Exploration
Le 30 mai 2022false false
Sabrina Carpy from the Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences (LPG) of Nantes Université gave a presentation on May 2d to high-school students from the Lycée Aimé Césaire of Clisson (Loire Atlantique, France) about Europe and Space Exploration.
The Lycée Aimé Césaire was selected in the framework of the call of the PFUE (Présidence Française du conseil de l'Union Européenne 2022) "Célébrons l'Europe !". The actions implemented deal with the history of EU, its institutions, values, challenges, cultural wealth, linguistic diversity as well as social and economic opportunities it offers to its citizens, in particular its future citizens.
In this context, Sabrina Carpy presented the history of space exploration, the role of France and Europe in the international space exploration programmes, the EU policies on space, the main players in the space exploration sector and the training offers in Europe on planetary sciences.
The presentation can be downloaded on the result page.
Mis à jour le 31 mai 2022.