New project: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master - EMJM GeoPlaNet
Le 27 juin 2021false false
4 partners from the GeoPlaNet strategic Partnership consortium have been submitting an application to the Erasmus + Programme EMJM: "Erasmus Mundus Joint Master" for a curriculum in Planetary Geosciences.
This Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) Programme in Planetary Geosciences (PG) aims to give to 70 top international students a unique learning experience based on a strong education by research that will prepare them to design, analyse and interpret the data of the future space missions and to address the many challenges of the oncoming Earth and Planetary exploration programs.
This project was born from the long lasting partnership between 4 European Universities: Nantes (FR), Chieti-Pescara (IT) and Coimbra and Porto (PT). The network of associated partners gathers academies and space institutions: the GeoPlaNet Consortium, with 19 partners including the main actors of space exploration worldwide (NASA, ESA, Europlanet), and private companies specialised in Virtual Reality and space instrumentation.
The objectives of the project are 1) to offer a European structured and internationalized program in PG, 2) to develop students research and numerical innovative skills at a top level international intercultural and multidisciplinary environment, 3) to enhance employability of the students and reach 100 % of employment after graduation.
GeoPlaNet EMJM is based on existing 3 masters within the Consortium’s degree awarding HEI and offers a 2-year program of 120 ECTS within a fixed mobility pathway: semesters 1, 2 and 3 respectively in Coimbra, Chieti-Pescara and Nantes and semester 4 dedicated to an internship within the network of associated partners. A joint diploma will be issued by the three degree-awarding HEI at the end of the two-years programme.