GeoPlaNet Strategic Partnership
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The GeoPlaNet Strategic Partnership project is coming to an end!
  • Du 08 September 2023 au 08 September 2033
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The project comes to an end with the start of the 2023 academic year. It's time to take stock, and we're proud to be able to announce that all our objectives have been achieved, and even exceeded.

The GeoPlaNet strategic partnership project is coming to an end!

The project comes to an end with the start of the 2023 academic year. It's time to take stock, and we're proud to be able to announce that all our objectives have been achieved, and even exceeded.

The strategic partnership project has made it possible to achieve :

  • 11 intellectual outputs
  • 4 thematic schools, which benefited students from the 5 partner universities + 1 workshop organised by ESTEC
  • 4 dissemination events for the general public in 3 different countries, reaching over 700 participants

+ More than 20 teachers from the partnership trained in the use of VR in the teaching of planetary geosciences

All results and presentations of the activities are available on this website : results / activities.

The cooperative work on these projects has consolidated this partnership, which has led to the creation of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Planetary Geosciences, GeoPlaNet-EMJM, based on the 3 existing Master's courses at the universities of Coimbra, Chieti-Pescara and Nantes, as well as on the complementary expertise of all the partners and associated partners in this project.

The adventure GeoPlaNet continues on the web site of the Master Erasmus Mundus GeoPlaNet.

Mis à jour le 30 May 2024.