Transnational Partners Meeting in Nantes ! June 16-17
Du 31 mai 2022 au 31 mai 2026false false
The Nantes Université team hosted the first Transnational Partners Meeting "in real life" at the Laboratoire de Planétologie et de Géosciences on June 16-17th.
After two years of Covid where all our events and meetings had to be organised virtually, partners were very happy to share this moment in real life.
June 16th was dedicated to meetings with teachers-researchers, students and administrative from Nantes Université/LPG/Département de Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers: a presentation of the partnership and its activities followed by a demonstration of VR applied to planetary geosciences by VR2Planets. The JPMC then met in an hybrid form to discuss ongoing projects.
On June 17th, the whole day was dedicated to the Nantes Master 2 students thesis defenses. Since the partners are involved in an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master project, the Nantes Master coordinators took the initiative to invite 2 members of the strategic partnership to be part of the jury. Monica Pondrelli from Università d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara was the jury president and Alexandra Pais from Universidade de Coimbra.
June 16th was dedicated to meetings with teachers-researchers, students and administrative from Nantes Université/LPG/Département de Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers: a presentation of the partnership and its activities followed by a demonstration of VR applied to planetary geosciences by VR2Planets. The JPMC then met in an hybrid form to discuss ongoing projects.
On June 17th, the whole day was dedicated to the Nantes Master 2 students thesis defenses. Since the partners are involved in an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master project, the Nantes Master coordinators took the initiative to invite 2 members of the strategic partnership to be part of the jury. Monica Pondrelli from Università d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara was the jury president and Alexandra Pais from Universidade de Coimbra.
Mis à jour le 30 juin 2022.